How Can We Help?

  • How do I create an account on ChatGuide?

    Please click on "Login" in the top right corner. Then Fill in your name, email, and create a password. Verify your email to complete signup. Alternatively, you can directly sign up through your Google Account as well. 

  • How do I train my chatbot?

    In your ChatGuide dashboard, click "Create Knowledge Base". Upload any documents in .pdf or .txt format. Alternatively, enter a website URL or just write your text in the textfield. ChatGuide will extract and analyze the content to train your bot.

  • What types of data can I use to train my chatbot?

    You can use text-based content like PDFs, Word docs, FAQs, knowledge base articles, product manuals, support transcripts, and website copy. Upload files or enter URLs - ChatGuide supports any text content.

  • How long does it take to train my chatbot?

    Training happens instantly. As soon as you upload your data sources, your bot is ready to answer questions relevant to that content, without any wait time.

  • How do I customize my chatbot?

    In your bot dashboard, you can  add brand colors, set a greeting message, and more to tailor it to your business.

  • How do I integrate my chatbot?

    ChatGuide offers  standalone bots to deploy on your website, social platforms, mobile app, and more.

  • Pricing Plans and Keynotes

    Currently ChatGuide is in beta stage, therefore it is free to receive your valuable feedback!

Still need help?

Don't hesitate to contact us about any question you might be interested in

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