Custom AI Chatbot for Your Brand

Easily create an AI-powered chatbot customized to your business by simply connecting your website, documents, FAQs, and more.

No credit card needed.

Teach Your Chatbot with Ease

Our platform allows you to seamlessly train your chatbot using various data sources. Simply upload PDFs, Word documents, FAQs, and more. You can even connect your website URL for us to automatically extract and analyze all your site's content.

Tailor Your Chatbot with Flexibility

Customize your chatbot to align perfectly with your brand's tone and messaging. Configure options like bot name, avatar, brand colors, suggested questions, default responses, and greeting messages.

Deploy Your Chatbot with Agility

Once trained and customized, deploy your chatbot with just a few clicks. Embed it into your website as a chat widget, or use it as a standalone bot.

Experience the Future of Conversation – Test Drive Our AI Chatbot Now!

Empower Your Business with Custom AI Chatbot

Custom AI Chatbot for your brand in action with a few clicks!

The Complete Solutions

Easy Installation
Easy Installation

Start to offer your own custom chatbot in a matter of minute

Customizable Chatbot
Customizable Chatbot

Use your logo, color, and messages for your AI-powered chatbot

Multi-Language Support
Multi-Language Support

The platform supports more than 100+ languages

Frequently asked questions

  • 1. What is ChatGuide?

    ChatGuide is an AI-powered ChatGPT platform for creating customized chatbots trained on your business data. Easily upload documents, FAQs, and website content to get a chatbot tailored to your brand that can intelligently answer customer questions.

  • 2. How can I train my chatbot?

    You can upload one or multiple files in different formats such as .pdf, .txt, .doc, paste text, or even add a link to your website to be scraped automatically.


  • 3. Which languages does it support?

    It already supports for more than 100 languages, including English, German, Spanish, Korean, and Japanese.

  • 4. Where are my docs stored?

    Your docs are stored in AWS servers in the USA. The purpose here is to provide you the flexibility of adding or removing the docs before creating a new chatbot. 

Have any questions ? Get in Touch

Ready to Get Started?

It only takes a few clicks to get started

No credit card required.

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